Transferring data from MySQL to MsSQL DataBase

César Moltedo
3 min readApr 7, 2022
Photo by israel palacio on Unsplash

In this article, we describe different ways to transfer data from a MySQL database to a Microsoft (MsSQL) database.


At EnergiaSimple we manage data for Chile’s electric market in a MySQL database. To produce some client reports we use PowerBI, but the amount of data is considerable so we need to access it via DirectQuery, and PowerBI doesn’t allow it from a MySQL database. Our solution was to create an MsSQL database and copy the needed data on it.

Our main database is an MySQL 5.7, running in a db.t3.large (2 CPU, 8 Gb RAM y 500 Gb disk) in AWS, RDS service. For the MsSQL database, we used a t3.medium machine (2 CPU, 4 Gb RAM y 250Gb EBS disk) in EC2, running Windows 10 with SQL Server Web 2019.

Transfer data from MySQL to MsSQL

Row by row

The most obvious way to move data from one DB to another is by consulting the main one and writing the resulting rows in the other one.

$inserter = new BatchActiveRecordInserter([
'db' => $mssqlBalanceDb,
'batchSize' => 1000, // 1000 records is the max allowed in MsSql
'ignoreSaveErrors' => false, // InsertIgnore isn't valid in MsSql
$iterator = new ActiveQueryOffsetIterator([
'query' => $modelClass::find()->andWhere(['BETWEEN', $dateColumn, $init_date, $end_date]),
'batchSize' => 100000,
foreach ($iterator as $measure) {

This method works, but it took more than 12 hours to copy one month of data. We also tried to divide the month into weeks, so we executed 4–5 processes in parallel to make the insertions, but the database connections locked and blocked other processes to operate correctly.

Dump file (DOESN’T WORK)

When we want to copy a big amount of data between MySQL the best way to do it is by mysqldump, generating a file, and inserting it in the other DB. We get the data from our main DB in 1 min (getting 1 Gb for one month), so the lecture from the DB was not a problem.

mysqldump -u USER -h HOST --no-create-info -p DATABASE TABLE --where='datetime_clt BETWEEN "2022-02-01 00" AND "2022-02-28 23"' > mysql_dump_feb.sql

The --no-create-info option is because we didn’t want to delete what is currently in the table, we want to incorporate new data. And with the where parameter we extract only one month.

We tried to insert the dump into MsSQL using sqlcmd, but the format of the INSERT MySQL statement was not the correct one for the MsSQL.

sqlcmd -S HOST -U USER -P PASSWORD -d DATABASE -i mysql_dump_feb.sql

MsSQL linked to MySQL

Microsoft SQL Server 2019 can be linked with other DB using the ODBC MySQL connector. Start your Management Studio and choose your SQL Server instance. In the Object Explorer panel, expand the Server Objects, right-click on Linked Servers and then click on New Linked Server. Configure your linked server in the dialog box:

  • Give a name for your server in the Linked server field.
  • Under Server type, select Other data source.
  • Choose Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers in the Provider drop-down list.
  • In the Provider string field write:
Driver={MySQL ODBC 8.0 Unicode Driver};Server=HOST;Database=DATABASE;uid=USER;password=PASSWORD;

Once the connection was established, we can use the instruction Insert INTO to get rows from one DB and insert them into the other one. This method worked, but the amount of data transfer was too low for what we needed. We copied one day in 30 minutes (31.464 rows).

WHERE [datehour_clt] = '2022-02-28'

CSV and Bulk Insert

Our last resource was to get the data in CSV format from MySQL and insert it into the MsSQL database via Bulk Insert. To do it, we need to extract the data via a SELECT statement combine with sed because we are using an RDS DB, and we can’t access the disk.

mysql -B --host=HOST --user=USERNAME -pPASSWORD DBNAME -e 'SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE datetime_clt BETWEEN "2022-02-01 00" AND "2022-02-28 23"' | sed "s/'//;s/\t/,/g;s/\n//g" > measures_feb.csv

Finally, we write the results in the MsSQL with the BULK INSERT statement.

FROM 'C:\route\measures_feb.csv'

The query and CSV generation from the MySQL DB took 2 minutes and the insertion took 4 minutes (6.663.128 rows).

